If you will at he screen it says it can’t run DBMS-lock:
Ask your DBA to run this as SYS:
grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to snpm1;
grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to snpw1;
(Change the users to your master and work repository)
Till Next Time
A collection of ODI stuff from 101 till 404. I just put the things here I run into.
If you will at he screen it says it can’t run DBMS-lock:
Ask your DBA to run this as SYS:
grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to snpm1;
grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to snpw1;
(Change the users to your master and work repository)
Till Next Time
My ODI studio got messed up, couldn’t find the knowledge modules anymore. Default import location is: <ODI_HOME>\oracledi\xml-reference
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When setting up a OBIEE ODI Lineage RPD you might get the following error:
ODI-50036: Error creating V_LINEAGE_HIERARCHY Table. Check the logs.
The error might fool you. It means that your (work) repository schema doesn’t have the right to create a view.
Ask your DBA to run the following script:
grant create view to snpm1;
grant create view to snpw1;
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Lost some time figuring out why my ODI demo environment as described in http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E14571_01/integrate.1111/e12641/install.htm woudn’t start. It turns out there are several versions on OTN. (Thanks Wilco for helping me!). You need the on from the companion disc for 11g:
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So you installed everything, try to run the ODI studio and you get:
“Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine”…
The problem is, that ODI studio needs a 32 bit version Java Virtual Machine.
So install a 32 bit JDK.
you first need to edit odi.conf file:
Go to $ODI_HOME\oracledi\client\odi\bin folder
and open odi.conf file:
edit the line SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24 to your 32 bit javahome:
et voila:
Why is this happening?
You have to realize that ODI Studio is a client component, developed for a “normal” client. 'Ideally' Client components have no place on server……..
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After starting the insatller you might need to define the JDK home:
Let’s start with a developers installation
Enter a new location in your default ORACLE home:
Connect to you repository DB: (The one you made with the RCU)
Enter the SUPERVISOR password:
And we are ready:
add the icon to you taskbar:
And start the studio:
Till Next Time