Sunday, June 26, 2011

ODI-26017 Running Loadplan


If you will at he screen it says it can’t run DBMS-lock:

Ask your DBA to run this as SYS:

grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to snpm1;
grant execute on DBMS_LOCK to snpw1;

(Change the users to your master and work repository)

Till Next Time

Thursday, June 23, 2011

ODI Import Knowledge Module File location

My ODI studio got messed up, couldn’t find the knowledge modules anymore. Default import location is: <ODI_HOME>\oracledi\xml-reference


Till Next Time

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

OBIEE ODI Lineage setup

When setting up a OBIEE ODI Lineage RPD you might get the following error:

ODI-50036: Error creating V_LINEAGE_HIERARCHY Table. Check the logs.


The error might fool you. It means that your (work) repository schema doesn’t have the right to create a view.

Ask your DBA to run the following script:

grant create view to snpm1;
grant create view to snpw1;

Till Next Time

Thursday, June 16, 2011

ODI Setting up the DEMO environment 11g

Lost some time figuring out why my ODI demo environment as described in woudn’t start. It turns out there are several versions on OTN. (Thanks Wilco for helping me!). You need the on from the companion disc for 11g:


Till Next Time

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Running ODI studio on a 64 bits windows machine

So you installed everything, try to run the ODI studio and you get:


“Unable to launch the Java Virtual Machine”…

The problem is, that ODI studio needs a 32 bit version Java Virtual Machine.

So install a 32 bit JDK.

you still will get a image

you first need to edit odi.conf file:

Go to $ODI_HOME\oracledi\client\odi\bin folder
and open odi.conf file:


edit the line SetJavaHome C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24 to your 32 bit javahome:


et voila:


Why is this happening?

You have to realize that ODI Studio is a client component, developed for a “normal” client. 'Ideally' Client components have no place on server……..

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ODI11g Installing the developers version

After starting the insatller you might need to define the JDK home:


Let’s start with a developers installation


Enter a new location in your default ORACLE home:


Connect to you repository DB: (The one you made with the RCU)


Enter the SUPERVISOR password:


And we are ready:


add the icon to you taskbar:


And start the studio:


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ODI on widows 64bit

Be sure you download the 64 bit version:

image (for all platforms)

X86 means 32 bits!

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